Eliminate Dengue project data: mosquito trapping data

Detailed data on aedes aegypti population numbers collected from BG traps during Wolbachia release experiments

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 7, 2021, 10:05 (UTC)
Created October 10, 2020, 09:45 (UTC)
Data Type Mosquito trap counts
Disease / Pathogen Dengue, Wolbachia
Age Range N/A
Geography Australia
Data Start Date 2009
Data End Date 2016
Date Data Received 2016
Original owner / creator Eliminate Dengue project (http://www.eliminatedengue.com)
Centre Custodian Neil Ferguson
Centre Custodian (email) neil.ferguson@imperial.ac.uk
Changes Made to Data None
Sharable internally? Requires Data Owner Approval
Sharable publicly? Requires Data Owner Approval
Data Size MB