Genomic data from gonorrhoea outbreaks in Sheffield and London

This is the data used in Didelot X, Dordel J, Whittles LK, et al (2016) Genomic Analysis and Comparison of Two Gonorrhea Outbreaks. MBio 7:e00525-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00525-16.Editor

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 7, 2021, 10:03 (UTC)
Created October 10, 2020, 09:44 (UTC)
Data Type Genetic-Sequence
Disease / Pathogen STIs - Gonorrhea
Age Range All
Geography Europe
Data Start Date 1995
Data End Date 2004
Date Data Received 01/08/2015
Public data URL / DOI / PubMed ID
Original owner / creator Sanger Institute
Centre Custodian Xavier Didelot
Centre Custodian (email)
Sharable internally? Yes
Sharable publicly? Yes
Data Size MB